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Thursday, November 5, 2015

Energy Times newsletter

We are working on some exciting projects behind the scenes and will be announcing one of the big ones by the end of the month.

Here are some of the latest updates.


A group of university students developed a very simple cooling system that requires no electricity. If there is a small fan included, then it can drop the temps down to 4C -


Not quite sure what to make of this, but the original article by PBS admitted light was sent instantaneously from one point to another and then they were forced to change it so no laws of physics were violated. -


We're received a lot of emails about the Veljko 2-Stage Mechanical Oscillator asking where the video is. It's right at the bottom of this page:

For clarification, there was no demo of this device at the conference. Mr. Milkovic's team sent us a video to play during the conference. There wasn't time to do that but we did do a 10 minute or so intro on this and that is at the beginning of the video on the link right above.


If you're interested in learning about Tesla's resonant transformer coils, this is the simplest tutorial on how to calculate the windings, size of wire, etc. for a real Tesla Resonant Transformer!

The full Crystal Radio Initiative by Eric Dollard is still available for only $7 - the price will be increased to $27 later on.

Get your copy now: Crystal Radio Initiative

A & P

    Wednesday, October 7, 2015

    A Small Peek At IEEE Meeting On “LENR PHENOMENON”

    Picture: Lenria
    The IEEE Meeting on “LENR Phenomena and Potential Applications” with Professor Peter Hagelstein and Dr. Louis DeChiaro was on Sept. 23 at Teradyne in North Reading, Massachusetts.

    It was sponsored by the Boston Reliability Chapter and ESD Group (Electro-Static Discharge).

    LENRIA attended and captured photos.

    “The meeting registration had reached capacity and online registration had been closed,” said Steve Katinsky. “There were about 62 pre-registered, and 52 in attendance.”

    Dr. Peter Hagelstein’s presentation slides for his talk Research issues associated with excess heat in the Fleischmann-Pons experiment are

    Dr. Louis DeChiaro“s presentation slides are here.

    Sunday, May 10, 2015

    20ste Nieuwsbrief Free-Energy-4-All

    Beste geïnteresseerden in VRIJE Energie,

    Het is al weer enige tijd geleden dat we u de laatste nieuwsbrief stuurden en diverse van jullie zijn dan ook heel nieuwsgierig welke ontwikkelingen inmiddels hebben plaatsgevonden.

    Ook hebben we tussendoor 2 update brieven aan jullie gestuurd over de ontwikkelingen in Spanje.

    We hadden echt goede hoop dat we daar zaken zouden kunnen doen. Nu blijkt echter toch, na een bezoek en diverse tel. contacten alsook mail uitwisselingen dat het daar allemaal toch niet zo snel gaat als we aanvankelijk aan indruk hadden gekregen.

    Het contact is gewoon moeizaam en met weinig enthousiasme ten aanzien van een vorm van samenwerking. Ook krijgen we sterk de indruk dat er nog veel ge-engineerd en verder uit-ontwikkeld moet worden alvorens men echte VE-apparaten op de markt gaat brengen. Hier zouden dus ook nog veel meer tijd en fondsen nodig zijn dan alleen maar voor een licentie. Helaas, maar het is niet anders.

    We hebben destijds een inzamelingsactie gestart en heel veel dank aan degene die daarvoor spontaan een bijdrage heeft gestort om zo gezamenlijk de licentie te bemachtigen voor de Benelux landen echter ondanks het enthousiasme bleek toch dat er slechts ca €15.000,- is binnengekomen van de gehoopte €250.000,-

    Wel zijn er inmiddels nieuwe mogelijkheden ontstaan om toch althans de licentie te kunnen bemachtigen als we dat zouden willen nl. een samenwerking met een bedrijf dat ook het hele “in de markt zetten” van dergelijke apparaten ter hand zou willen nemen wat voor ons heel aantrekkelijk is. Maar daar worden, begrijpelijkerwijs, een aantal voorwaarden aan verbonden, zoals een vol-belaste unit zien werken, garantie dat volume fabricage inderdaad start etc. Zover zijn we momenteel helaas dus nog niet.

    Thursday, April 16, 2015

    Self-running QMoGen - EVIVA Demo 3 -- 4.3 kW

    Free Energy QMOGEN Motor-Generator - EVIVA 3 demo free energy unitThis is the third video of the claimed Selfrunning Motor-Generator combination called EVIVA from Kiev, Ukraine..The inventors are looking for investment partners and funding I am told.This is already the 5 KWatts prototype.Here you can see it drive around 4.3 KWatts of incandescent bulbs lit up measured by a Fluke 435 digital scope and analyzer.

    Here you see the first video of this series: [is] the second video: am told, that EVIVA Technology runs decentral and autonomously, around the clock without needing any fuel and is environmentally friendly. For the next development steps they are looking for investors and pioneers who want to see this technology fully developed for making it ready for the market.
    Regards, Stefan.

    Sources: PESWiki and Youtube

    Sunday, March 22, 2015

    Eric Dollard Presents Theoretical Basis Of Versor or Sequence Algebra!


    Eric Dollard is an Electrical Engineer who is a "living legend" in the field of electrical research. He is considered by many to be the most knowledgeable expert alive today on the true nature of electricity. Author of the landmark mathematical papers Symbolic Representation of Alternating Electric Waves and Symbolic Representation of the Generalized Electric Wave, Eric shows how all electric phenomena can be mathematically measured and engineered WITHOUT using calculus or "Maxwell's Equations." Author of Condensed Intro to Tesla Transformers and Theory of Wireless Power, he is also the only person since Tesla's death to successfully build a real Magnifying Transmitter. Eric Dollard's presentation from last year's conference is called Four Quadrant Representation of Electricity.

    Eric Dollard, 22-3-2015:

    "Charles Proteus Steinmetz's original math model is a natural outgrowth of Nikola Tesla's polyphase power systems. Tesla was the discoverer, but Steinmetz was the builder who first applied Versor Algebra to the analysis of alternating current power systems.

    my extension of Steinmetz's work is presented in the most simple way possible using very simple analogies, pictures and diagrams. It was a very difficult task as the goal was to facilitate an understanding for the layman.

    Monday, March 16, 2015

    A Lesson In Radiant Energy

    Radiant energy is the energy of electromagnetic waves. The term is most commonly used in the fields of radiometry, solar energy, heating and lighting, but is also used less frequently in other fields (such as telecommunications). Gerard Morin explains.

    Source: Youtube

    Monday, March 2, 2015

    Free Tesla science book: On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena

    E-Mediapress has issued a free e-book on the science of light and high frequency signals, that was delivered before the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, February 1893, and before the National Electric Light Association, St. Louis, March 1893 by Nicola Tesla.

    Tesla's Method of Conversion is an important concept that any "free energy" enthusiast should understand. If a refrigerator or other appliance is running that has an electric motor, it has electromagnetic coils that get charged up. If the power is instantly turned off, these magnetic fields collapse very fast and induce a very high voltage and low to no current spike. These high voltage spikes can shoot down your electrical wiring and destroy electronics that are connected to the same line. There are different forms of protection built into different power supplies, etc. that can turn your electronics off before the high voltage spike can destroy them. The conventional thought on these high voltage spikes or "inductive spikes" is that they're useless and need to be grounded out but Tesla knew better...

    To read more, you can download the free e-book: On Light and Other High Frequency Phenomena

    Saturday, February 28, 2015

    Oproep Free Energy 4 All (Dick Korf) 10 Feb

    Beste geïnteresseerden in Vrije Energie.

    We kunnen goed nieuws melden, er is duidelijk beweging aan het komen t.a.v. Vrije Energie en antwoord op de vraag: “maar Dick wanneer kunnen we nu zo’n apparaat bestellen waar we al zo lang naar uit zien?”

    Ja, er zit duidelijk een stroomversnelling aan te komen. Zo hebben we nu o.a. contacten met een firma uit Spanje die deze units op de markt gaat brengen, waar Eric (mede bestuurslid en mijn rechterhand in deze ontwikkelingen) onlangs een bezoek heeft gebracht. Hij heeft daar een werkend apparaat gezien en kwam heel enthousiast terug.

    Als eerste zullen 3, 5 en 8kW units worden gefabriceerd, in latere instantie gevolgd door 10, 30, 55, 110, 250 en 500kW (dus ook toepasbaar in industriële toepassingen!). Echt de moeite waard en wij zijn overeengekomen dat we de licentie voor de Benelux kunnen kopen.

    Hoe gaan we dit alles financieren?

    We hebben daarvoor diverse mogelijkheden, waarbij we natuurlijk het liefst het stuur in eigen hand houden. Dit wordt wat moeilijker op het moment dat je in zee gaat met bijvoorbeeld een bank, investeerder of financieringsmaatschappij, die het toch weer in de 1e plaats om winst maken c.q. mogelijke (deel-)zeggenschap gaat.

    Zoals in eerdere nieuwsbrieven al duidelijk is gesteld gaat het ons als Stichting niet in de 1e plaats om winst maken hoewel eventuele winst weer ten goede zal komen aan de stichting die een ideëel doel nastreeft. Met eventuele winst kunnen we weer andere goede dingen realiseren op deze prachtige aarde en helpen om Vrije Energie verder in de wereld te zetten.

    Saturday, February 7, 2015

    GraviGen by John Michael Moltion

    Compiled by Aaron Willis; Posted by Sterling D. Allan
    Pure Energy Systems News
    January 30, 2015

    Several of our readers have emailed me links to the GraviGen indiegogo campaign. I have reached out to the inventor and wait for his response.

    It is a brave inventor to take on a gravity powered machine. These have failed to prove viable over and over again often due to measurement errors or outright fraud. However, there is always hope that some clever inventor might discover some ingenious way to skirt around all of the obstacles and tame the ever elusive beast called gravity.

    Here is what we know so far:

    The inventor, John Michael Moltion, claims that he has invented a machine that uses a clever assortment of gears, chains, pulleys and weights to produce 385 watts for 35 seconds as the mass drops at which point the contraption resets itself in 4 seconds using only 12-15 watts. The excess energy is stored in a battery. Here are the words directly from the patent application. (US20140054900)

    Wednesday, January 7, 2015

    Interview with Eric Dollard: Genius or insane?

    We travelled to Tonopah, Nevada to meet mysterious scientist Eric Dollard. Proponents of Dollard claim he holds the secret to free energy, while others say he is just another in a long line of Tesla wannabes. Some of the comments on Youtube are pretty radical...
    Either way he's raised over 100 thousand crowd-funded dollars to fund his controversial projects. We found out more...

    Source: Youtube

    Thursday, January 1, 2015

    Happy New Year!

    Will this be the year of massive technological breakthrough? Will we see free energy application on a massive scale? 2015 has all the potential. Let 's work towards it! Anyway..... United Free Energy Portal wishes you a

    Happy New Year!