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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Renaissance Workshop (Bedini) Conference

Starting in April, 2010, John Bedini and his associates (primarily Rick Friedrich) have been holding a series of conferences to showcase various of his electromagnetic technologies and related. This is the third conference in that series. The unspoken promise is that eventually, working, commercial overunity devices of increasing quality and capability will emerge from this process.
Feel free to add links and information relevant to this conference. This is a publicly editable site. Just log in (upper right corner).
"A Convention giving people a chance to spend time with John Bedini and others of like-mind in actual Assembly and Discussion of Cutting Edge Alternative Energy Technology."

Focus is on

Event Announcement

Promotional Video

  • See some pictures of the Renaissance Porsche Conversion in the day and night, sun and snow. And have a few laughs. See some clips of the 30 coiler running with extra energizer coils. And see John show the Surprise ferris wheel. Lawnmower developments and more. (YouTube; rickfriedrich; January 23, 2011)

Previous Promotional Video

  • The conference announcement pages have sported this video at the top showing an animated cartoon of a Bedini like motor spinning and powering a house. (YouTube; rickfriedrich; October 17, 2010)

First Renaissance Charge Free Energy Vehicle

([1]; rickfriedrich; Feb 28, 2011)
  • This was during the Renaissance Charge Nov 2010 Convention at the CDA Resort. Motor was partially built for low HP application for Convention. Full potential of motor when complete is 100HP. Lawnmower motor charges equal 36V small battery bank while running off identical small batteries.

Previous Event

Early Registration Promotion

The following statement appears on the conference site:
"Special Early Registration from Dec 19-31: Register before Dec 31, 2010 and we will give you a ride in one of our Renaissance vehicles that uses our energizers as a motor. Also, the seats will be numbered in the order of first purchased. Latest ordered will be seated all three days at back and sides of the Convention room."

200 Advanced Workshop tickets avail. for July Convention next 2 weeks

Over the next two weeks, the next 200 registrations get the opportunity, with a condition, to do the advanced workshop.
Because of repeated requests, we decided to split up the workshop at the July Convention into two. Now we are going to have 250 people be part of the advanced workshop across the hall. This will allow tables to be brought into the main room where 750 people will be doing the basic workshop (as 250 will leave the room for the rest of the day). And we'll have about 80 tables and thus 80 kits with about 10 people per table. Jeff Wilson, Dave Luke, John Bedini and others will be in the advance workshop. This will focus on the assembly of the bigger and more advanced energizers. We will do several activities where most can participate in one way or another and get in to the more technical side of these systems as well as actual experimentation. We will also have a lot of time to do that with the entire 1000 people in the main room, however, that will not be a group workshop activity, but merely an observation. Specific details will be mentioned as we finalize everything and I learn from John just what he wants to do in every detail.
Now just like everything we do, we decided to make this a first come first serve thing. So the advanced workshop will be open to the next (starting today, Dec 28, 2010) 200 registrations. And at the rate of registering that may only be a week or two before it is filled. The only condition for anyone attending (instead of attending the main workshop) is that they have already gone beyond the basics and have built, tested, and reported (and that means pictures too) on the Bedini_Monopole3 BediniMonpole3 group their results as requested on this group in order to join the advance groups (that is unless they have other arrangements with me). It will not be the end of the world if you miss it, but it will give you a chance to have a good 4 or 5 hours with people working on the advanced systems.
Rick Friedrich Renaissance Charge, LLC.
Rick Friedrich, General Manager
Renaissance Charge, LLC.
10183 N Aero Dr. Ste 3
Hayden, ID 83835
phone: 208-772-4514


University of Missouri Research Team Developing “Nantenna” Technology To Capture 90 Per Cent of Available Solar Energy

A University of Missouri research team is taking a new approach in capturing solar energy. Traditional photovoltaic solar cells, which convert sunlight directly to electricity, only collect around 20 per cent of available light. The MU team has developed a thin, flexible sheet of small antennas — called nantennas — which can currently harvest heat from industrial processes and convert it into electricity. Their goal is to develop this technology so it will be able to harvest over 90 per cent of the available energy that comes from the sun.
Rick Pinhero, the team leader says, “”Our overall goal is to collect and utilize as much solar energy as is theoretically possible and bring it to the commercial market in an inexpensive package that is accessible to everyone. If successful, this product will put us orders of magnitudes ahead of the current solar energy technologies we have available to us today.”
Because the film is flexible it should be very versatile and easy to apply to surface areas that face the sun such as roofs, vehicles and existing solar farms.
The group is seeking funding from the US Department of Energy and private investors so that they can commercialize the process. Once funding is secure,  the team anticipates that commercial applications of the technology will be available within five years.
The group has published a study on the design and manufacturing of their technology in the Journal of Solar Energy Engineering

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Doorbraak Nulpunt energie: De details (video)

Hier kunt u een instructiefilm en een interview met Frank Collaris vinden over de details van het Rodin Star Coil systeem en hoe u dit zelf kunt nabouwen.
Zie ook het bijgevoegde bouwschema waarop u de onderdelen en specificaties kunt vinden. Dit is het begin van een nieuw avontuur.
Het toepassen van heilige geometrie in nulpuntsystemen is een belangrijke stap en brengt ons dichter bij natuurlijke en harmonieuze vormen van energie. De getoonde opstelling is een voorzichtige stap in de goede richting. Het heeft onze ogen geopend en we weten nu waar we op moeten letten. We gaan de geleerde lessen nu toepassen en er zullen nog vele opstellingen en systemen volgen. Alle zullen gebaseerd zijn op heilige geometrie met als doel apparaten te bouwen die praktisch kunnen worden toegepast.
Diverse wetenschappers zoals Rodin zijn ons voorgegaan en veel kennis is opgeslagen in oude boeken en geschriften. Nu is het onze beurt om dit te herontdekken en opnieuw toe te passen. Kijkt u dus niet teveel naar deze specifieke opstelling maar meer naar het algemeen geleerde verhaal.
Wij begrijpen dat er nog veel werk voor ons ligt om een dergelijk systeem in onze huizen en ook daarbuiten te krijgen. Er hebben zich reeds vele mensen gemeld om dit snel tot stand te brengen. Deze uitdaging gaan wij aan met een groter team dan voorheen. Alles wat wij ontdekken wordt gedeeld zodat iedereen een kans krijgt om verder te komen.
Er is haast geboden en wij wachten dus ook niet op de politiek of de industrie. Wij merken dat er velen zijn die proberen om dit tegen te houden en te ontkrachten. Dat zal ze niet lukken. De geest is uit de fles en hij wil niet meer terug.
Tegen alle mensen die bijna over elkaar heen vallen om kritiek te uiten willen wij het volgende zeggen: Laten we onze energie gebruiken om te creƫren, het is makkelijk iets te verwerpen met woorden, bouw dan iets beters, doe! Iemand die zijn nek uitsteekt, die doet het tenminste. Dus blijf niet hangen in kritiek maar ga zelf aan de slag want er zijn al genoeg mensen die vasthouden aan in het verleden verworven kennis en daardoor geen werkelijke bijdrage kunnen leveren.
Dat is direct ook de strekking van ons initiatief. We blijven niet zitten, we steken onze nek uit en we leren door fouten te maken. Wij hopen daarom nog veel meer fouten te maken zodat we snel meer kunnen leren. Wel hebben wij de tijd nodig om de zaken zodanig voor elkaar te krijgen dat het veilige systemen worden die overal kunnen worden toegepast.
Wij beginnen nu met het opstarten van werkgroepen die met dit systeem willen werken waarbij volgens een direct openbronmodel alles gedeeld wordt, volledige openheid. Op deze manier leren we samen het snelst en kunnen we het systeem zo snel mogelijk gaan toepassen in onze maatschappij.
We willen iedereen die het systeem gaat bouwen vragen een email te sturen naar:
Wij sturen u dan een excel-bestand waarin uw bevindingen gemakkelijk bijgehouden kunnen worden. Deze bestanden worden vervolgens uitgewisseld met de nulpuntgroep om voor een zo spoedig mogelijke ontwikkeling te zorgen. Wij juichen het experimenteren met de draaddikte en het aantal wikkelingen van de wikkeldraad, de vorm en grootte van de spoel en verschillende frequenties toe. Veiligheid staat voorop, dit is uw eigen verantwoordelijkheid.
Als laatste willen we graag iedereen bedanken voor de vele steunbetuigingen. Het verwarmt ons hart om te zien dat er zovelen zijn die helpen om vrije energie mogelijk te maken voor ons allemaal.
Team Niburu & Frank Collaris
Zie hier ons programma voor presentaties en workshops/bouwavonden Vrije Energie.
Bron: Niburu

Cold fusion devices quickly approaching commercial viability

Cold fusion is real, but mass American news sources are not covering it. Experiments are currently being duplicated across the world, to add further verification to the body of scientific proof. It is now possible to create energy with commonplace resources at no cost to the environment. Power plants using cold fusion will be constructed before 2012.

Natural News has been covering the developments of cold fusion for quite some time, as controlled experiments in Russia, California, Italy, andJapanhave consistently proven thatcold fusionis real. (Read one of the original articles here (

One of these successfulexperimentswas conducted by Professor emeritus of Osaka University, Japan - Yoshiaki Arata. Dr. Arata performed a demonstration of cold fusion at Osaka. A colleague of his wrote, afterward: "Arata's demonstration was successfully done it demonstrated live data looked just similar to the data they reported in [the] papers. This showed the method highly reproducible." Read the originalarticlefor more details at (

In addition, Andrea Rossi's Fusion Energy Catalyzer was tested in a number of different scenarios this year, resulting in a stronger belief that cold fusion may be ready for public use by the end of 2011. On January 14, Focardi and Rossi held a press conference, discussing their 10-kW generator. Another experiment, which took place roughly a month later at the University of Bologna, reported the model generated 15 kW for 18 hours. There are currently plans to hook up roughly 200 of these smaller units, in order to construct two 1 megawatt-producingpower plantsbefore the end of the year. If theseplantsperform up to their potential, then we can hope for the construction of industrial-sizedpowerplants within another year or two.

But how does it work?

Cold fusion is not really magical, even though it could very well have a miraculous effect on ourfuture. It is a relatively simple chemical reaction that produces excess heat, meaning that if the reaction occurs inwater, it will increase the temperature of the water. Powdered nickel fuels the reaction. You put in nickel (one of the most plentiful metals on the planet), and you get heated water.

After that point, almost every mechanic in the world would be able to take it from there. Steam engines heat water withcoal, then using the expansive properties of the steam to power turbines. A cold fusion device would use the same basic mechanical devices, but it would heat the water through the consumption of nickel rather than combustion.

But why has news of cold fusion not yet reachedmass mediain the United States? Why is there no story in theNew York Timesthat showcases all of this excitement and buzz?