A connection between brilliant minds dedicating their lives to find the ultimate free energy machine
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Nathan Stubblefield Earth Battery
"Hello, Rainy." - In 1892, ignorant of the wireless inventions of the past 60 years, Nathan creates an electromagnetic induction wireless telephone and demonstrates it to his friend Rainey Wells. A few years later, Nathan develops a superior wireless telephone that uses natural conduction through the earth and water.
Bob Lochte has done an enormous amount of work uncovering papers, notes and pictures, and quotes on Nathan Stubblefield. There is one puzzling thing to me about the Stubblefield device. It seems to me that Tesla is standing in one of the pictures. I have checked the references and, yes, Tesla is in the picture. Now that I understand this, it brings me to the conclusion that the waves Stubblefield used were longitudinal in nature.
Even without Stubblefield, Marconi still wouldn't be the true inventor of radio - Nikola Tesla invented it before Marconi. Marconi, in fact, used Tesla's own patents as research materials. Tesla, in turn, was among the curious onlookers in attendance at Stubblefield's 1902 wireless demonstration in Philadelphia.
Stubblefield also developed a battery to power this system and a motor, that we will get into later. Now around 1878 Amos Dolbear files a patent on what he called induction wireless telephone, demonstrated publicly in the us, Canada, and Europe in 1882 and 1883, patented in U.S.1886. What is amazing to me is that the patent uses an elevated capacitance. So this is not the same as a Hertizan wave transmitter. It is very clear that the capacitance acts as the antenna and the return is using the earth as ground. The induction coil is used as a high self-inductance only, creating a very high potential or stress in the aether.
"Now," Tesla writes later on about the transmitter that he was developing, "I attacked vigorously the development of my magnifying transmitter, now however, not so much with the original intention of producing one of great power, as with the object of learning how to construct the best one. This is essentially, a circuit of high self-induction and small resistance ( key words coming up) which in its arrangement, mode of excitation and section and action, may be said to be the diametrical opposite of a transmitting circuit typical of telegraphy by Hertzian or electromagnetic radiations."
What Stubblefield had discovered and what he did with his system.
Stubblefield was experimenting with ground radio since 1882, but did not patent his developments until much later. Credible witnesses saw his ground radio experiments in action during this time frame, establishing the historical priority of Stubblefield. While Marconi could barely send telegraphic "dots and dash" signals with great difficulty through a static-filled medium, Nathan Stubblefield had already transmitted the human voice with loud, velvet clarity. Others would adopt and implement the Collins system (Fessenden, DeForest, Bethenod, Braun), but none could duplicate the Stubblefield System.
Nikola Tesla performed double ground experiments with impulses as early as 1892, reporting these in lectures and patenting some embodiments in 1901. Not one of these later systems ever achieved the same results of clarity, tone, and volume of Stubblefield ground telephony. Tesla apparently never discovered the true powerpoints which powered Stubblefield's device. Priority in all these arts belongs to Nathan Stubblefield alone. In addition, his was the only system in which natural energies were obtained, magnified, and entirely employed as the empowering source. All other inventors used "artificial" sources (batteries, alternators, dynamos).
Following all these ground radio demonstrations, Stubblefield researched "Magnetic Waves" and developed several systems which did not use ground terminals for exchanging signals. Long distance wireless telephone communications were his aim. Many imagined this to be radio as we know it, but several features of Stubblefield aerial are distinctive and different.
First his transmitters and receivers were telephonic, not telegraphic. In his preliminary experiments, the earth battery was used to energize an apparatus to which was connected a long horizontal aerial line. Marconi later adopted this "bent L" symmetry in conjunction with a grounded copper conduction screen. There are no photographs of these arrays, but I have hand-written manuscript copies of certain diary notes in which a progressively greater telephonic distance is reported. Nathan Stubblefield made steady progress in this form of telephonic transmission , but used neither alternators nor spark discharge.
Mr. Stubblefield reasoned that, since electrical waves traverse the whole earth, it might be possible to send signals to distant places. These ground-permeating natural electrical waves might serve as carriers for the human voice. The ground would act as both power generator and signal conductor. Like a gale carrying messages downwind, these electrical waves could bring wireless communications instantly to any part of the world.
These transmissions were made through the ground itself and used the Stubblefield cell for power. In several photographs we see special loud speaking telephones outfitted with (1 foot) horns, designed to act as annunciators. Calls from these annunciators brought his son Bernard to the telephone transmitter. The system was never switched off. Power was limitless and did not diminish with time of the day or length of use.
Natural observations in systems led to unexpected, theory-busting discoveries. Such an effect demonstrates that an articulate quasi-intelligent energy permeates the natural environment.... an energy of which electricity is a minor part.
Two more mysteries have lingered from this latter period of invention in the Stubblefield biography. The nature of each reveals the extent to which he had developed and advanced his new earth power technology. Nathan continued to pursue his experiments, but little was seen of him for long time periods. Alone and tired, Nathan stopped working his farm completely.
Later, Investigators entered his land area and found heavy wires leading from the roots of trees. To these wires were attached small arc lamps, hung in the trees. These were extinguished. They imagined the arc lamps to be the explanation of his hillside sunlight. Their hasty analysis proved problematic from stories which witnesses report. The warm and diffused sunlight which came from the ground itself around his house was not localized in specific lamps. The light came from the ground, not from the trees as before... a "whole hillside that would blossom with light"... "lit up like daytime". These observations indicate that Stubblefield had managed indeed the direct conversion of earth energy to light and warmth. This would acceptable, were Mr. Stubblefield simply working on a newer form of drawing electricity from the ground to light small arc-lamps; a feat which he had accomplished earlier. But these kind persons could never find any evidence of arc-lighting or any other form of known lighting anywhere near the area. In their own words "the light seemed to come out from the ground itself".
In addition to ground sunlight effects, many heard very loud and unfamiliar noises coming from the whole area surrounding his cabin. What could this be? Had he managed to directly transduce the natural impulses of the ground energy into audio?
His last claim two weeks before his death was made to a kind neighbor: "The past is nothing. I have perfected now the greatest invention the world has ever known..... I have taken light from the air and earth.... as I did sound."
Neighbors had not seen Nathan for several days. As they were worried about his health, they attempted to call on him. The lock was secured from the inside. It was a lonely, cold and rainy March day when old friends and neighbors broke the lock on Nathan's cabin and entered. He had passed away in his bed, the probable victim of malnutrition and fatigue. They all noticed that the interior of the cabin was "toasty warm", as if heated by a strong fire. Moved to locate the source of this heat, town officials found " two highly polished metal mirrors which faced each other, radiating a very great heat in rippling waves" This is a great discovery. It fulfills what Nathan reported in his last testimony.
Nathan Stubblefield used earth magnetic currents. this is not current as we know it. Electricity is a wasted product of this magnetic current.
Source: Lyoness
Thursday, June 16, 2011
KESH foundation: 3-4 Kwh generator
De KESH foundation gaat 3-4 Kw en 10 Kwhgenerators verkopen.
Dit is het verhaal wat ik toegestuurd kreeg.
Interessant is ook dat men bijzondere ervaringen met water heeft opgedaan.
Water - dat ook ingezet wordt bij behandeling van MS patienten.
Dit is het verhaal wat ik toegestuurd kreeg.
Interessant is ook dat men bijzondere ervaringen met water heeft opgedaan.
Water - dat ook ingezet wordt bij behandeling van MS patienten.
Graag hoor ik van van lezers die ervaringen hebben met de KESH Foundation.
Hallo Frank,
De vinding is heet van de naald, computersimulatie is wel gebruikt maar een werkend model is er nog niet, De uitvinder stelt het vrij ter beschikking en iedereen mag er mee doen wat hij wil behalve patenteren. Vandaar zijn wens om de info zoveel mogelijk te verspreiden zodat niet meer aan de novelty eis kan worden voldaan.
ALS het werkt, en daar ziet het volgens mij naar uit, dan valt dit niet te onderschatten.
Warmte opwekken zal veel goedkoper kunnen dan de cold fusion oplossing van Rossi die bovendien vervanging van de brandstof in zijn fabriek vereist vanwege de nog te ontwikkelen selfdestruct beveiliging ivm patentbescherming.
Rossi is voorlopig ingevangen in de patent trap, zoals zovelen voor hem. Zijn poging om dat met een selfdestruct systeem te omzeilen en zo toch de markt op te kunnen is interresant en ik wens hem veel succes. Maar ik zie de uitstel uitstel uitstel bui al hangen.
De vinding van Remy Mercier is daarom des te interessanter maar een soort peer review, bijv. van de afd warmtetechniek van de jongens in Delft, is denk ik een eerste stap die de belangstelling voor het bouwen van een prototype zal doen toenemen.
Daar zal relatief weing investering voor nodig zijn omdat het een simpel vaten en pijpenstelsel is.
De vinding is heet van de naald, computersimulatie is wel gebruikt maar een werkend model is er nog niet, De uitvinder stelt het vrij ter beschikking en iedereen mag er mee doen wat hij wil behalve patenteren. Vandaar zijn wens om de info zoveel mogelijk te verspreiden zodat niet meer aan de novelty eis kan worden voldaan.
ALS het werkt, en daar ziet het volgens mij naar uit, dan valt dit niet te onderschatten.
Warmte opwekken zal veel goedkoper kunnen dan de cold fusion oplossing van Rossi die bovendien vervanging van de brandstof in zijn fabriek vereist vanwege de nog te ontwikkelen selfdestruct beveiliging ivm patentbescherming.
Rossi is voorlopig ingevangen in de patent trap, zoals zovelen voor hem. Zijn poging om dat met een selfdestruct systeem te omzeilen en zo toch de markt op te kunnen is interresant en ik wens hem veel succes. Maar ik zie de uitstel uitstel uitstel bui al hangen.
De vinding van Remy Mercier is daarom des te interessanter maar een soort peer review, bijv. van de afd warmtetechniek van de jongens in Delft, is denk ik een eerste stap die de belangstelling voor het bouwen van een prototype zal doen toenemen.
Daar zal relatief weing investering voor nodig zijn omdat het een simpel vaten en pijpenstelsel is.
Ik hoop dus dat je mensen weet die bekend zijn met warmtetechniek.
Als je nagaat dat Rossi al sprak van productie van 300.000 units dit jaar kun je natellen welk een markt er is.
Als je nagaat dat Rossi al sprak van productie van 300.000 units dit jaar kun je natellen welk een markt er is.
Sale of Keshe Foundation 3-4 KW and 10 Kw power generators
As has been explained on the Keshe Foundation forum - link - Stichting the Keshe Foundation to support the setting up of its International Space Institute from today proceeds with the commercialisation of its power generators. We initially offer 10 000 units of 3-4 KW AC/DC and 1000 units of 10 KW AC/DC portable domestic Keshe electric power generators.
We are planning to allow the use of these initial units to be in the motor cars as well as for the house.
Thus we have entered the energy power supply in its true sense and we will deliver the units that will be more powerful that can be used in the house or in the electric cars which will never need charging and there will be no limitation of their use and mileage that car power supply will not need re-charging and there is no need for battery in the car.
This allowing the use of DC and AC motors or combination of booth from the supply for more powerful systems.
FAQ about these generators.
Reservation for the 3-4 KW AC/DC units can now be made through this pdf
and for the 10 KW AC/DC through this pdf.
MS 200
Large scale clinical trial for Multiple Sclerosis
Large scale clinical trial for Multiple Sclerosis
Following Stichting The Keshe Foundation success in the preliminary trials with MS, FMS and CVS over the past four years and due to Foundations’ expansion and study with the International Space Institute organisation, the Foundation has taken steps to announce the large scale trials for up to 200 MS cases starting 23.3.2011.
From our new insight in structure of nano materials within the body as in capturing CO2 in solid state as we have reported before, this has allowed us to develop a simple method for the recovery from different ailments the like of MS.
This clinical trial study group is targeted for the people with preliminary initial stages of MS and not with the cases which have already reached the paralyses stages.
Most charges for MS 200 will be met by the Foundation and its supporters and the charges for this trial has been subsidies from 9000 euro to 3000 euros per person.
To participate in the MS 200, send your request to mtkeshe@keshefoundation.com . With subject: MS200.
Duration of trial: 6 month
Target of the trial: total recoating of the main nerve system, leading to regaining of the full control and reversal of the MS. Read more.
Age group: All age groups will be considered.
Source: Nulpuntenergie
E-CAT: Cold Fusion Generator
Andrea Rossi and Professor Sergio Focardi of the University of Bologna, have announced to the world that they have a cold fusion device capable of producing more than 10 kilowatts of heat power, while only consuming a fraction of that. On January 14, 2011, they gave the Worlds' first public demonstration of a nickel-hydrogen fusion reactor capable of producing a few kilowatts of thermal power. At its peak, it is capable of generating 15,000 watts with just 400 watts input required.
They also claim to be going into production, with the first units expected to ship by the second half of October of this year, with mass production commencing by the end of 2011. The first units will be used to build a one megawatt plant in Greece. This one megawatt plant will power a factory that will produce 300,000 ten-kilowatt units a year.
See also: Peswiki
Friday, June 10, 2011
DNA kan worden geprogrammeerd door taal en frequenties
Het menselijk DNA is als een biologisch internet en is in vele opzichten superieur aan de kunstmatige versie. Russisch wetenschappelijk onderzoek verklaart fenomenen zoals helderziendheid, intuïtie, spontane healing op afstand, aura’s en hoe we het weer beïnvloeden met gedachten.
DNA kan worden geprogrammeerd door middel van woorden en frequenties zonder bestaande genen te vervangen.
Slechts 10% van ons DNA wordt gebruikt om eiwitten te bouwen. Dit gedeelte is enkel interessant voor westerse onderzoekers, de rest wordt gezien als junk-DNA.
De Russische wetenschappers zijn er echter van overtuigd dat de natuur niet dom is en verkenden de overige 90 procent van ons DNA. De resultaten, bevindingen en conclusies zijn simpelweg revolutionair.
DNA is niet alleen verantwoordelijk voor de opbouw van ons lichaam maar dient ook als opslag van data en communicatie. Russische taalkundigen ontdekten dat de genetische code zich volgens dezelfde regels en wetten gedraagt als menselijke talen.
Programmering door middel van taal
De Russische bionatuurkundige en moleculair bioloog Pjotr Garjajev en zijn collega’s verkenden ook het vibrationele gedrag van DNA. Levende chromosomen functioneren als een holografische computer waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt endogene DNA laserradiatie. Dit betekent dat men een laserfrequentie richt op DNA en daarmee de golflengte van DNA en dus de genetische informatie verandert.
Omdat de basisstructuur van DNA-paren en taal hetzelfde is hoeft DNA niet gedecodeerd te worden. Men kan simpelweg woorden en zinnen van de menselijke taal gebruiken.
Levend DNA reageert altijd op door taal gemoduleerde laserstralen en zelfs radiogolven. Dit verklaart op een wetenschappelijke manier waarom zaken als affirmaties en hypnose zulke sterke effecten kunnen hebben op mensen en hun lichaam. Het is normaal en natuurlijk dat ons DNA reageert op taal.
Terwijl westerse onderzoekers enkelvoudige genen uit DNA-strengen halen, creëerden de Russen apparaten die het metabolisme van cellen kunnen beïnvloeden door middel van gemoduleerde radio- en lichtfrequenties. Op deze wijze kunnen genetische defecten worden gerepareerd.
Ze vingen daarnaast informatiepatronen op van specifiek DNA en voegden het elders toe, waardoor een ander genoom ontstond. Kikkerembryo’s werden veranderd in salamanderembryo’s door simpelweg informatiepatronen van het DNA uit te zenden. Hier kwam geen enkel snijwerk aan te pas.
Mensen die bekend zijn met esoterie en spiritualiteit weten dat ons lichaam geprogrammeerd kan worden door middel van taal, woorden en gedachten. Dit is bij deze dus ook wetenschappelijk bewezen en verklaard. De frequentie moet precies goed zijn en dit verklaart waarom niet iedereen er even goed in is. Het individu dient aan het innerlijk en de persoonlijke ontwikkeling te werken om bewuste communicatie met het DNA op gang te brengen.
De Russische wetenschappers ontdekten bovendien dat ons DNA verstorende patronen kan veroorzaken in het vaccuüm, waardoor gemagnetiseerde wormgaten kunnen worden geproduceerd. Wormgaten zijn microscopische equivalenten van de zogenoemde Einstein-Rosen bruggen in de nabijheid van zwarte gaten.
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Tom Bearden - Dirac- invloeden EMF
These days, most of the small amount of available time I have left (after caring for Doris and I) is spent on what I'm calling "precursor engineering".
Will briefly explain this, since the patterning (either deliberate or randomly) of the pulsations of signals in the environment can me much more damaging than just the frequency etc. alone.
Sadly, this knowledge was deliberately torn out of physics in 1934 and suppressed ruthlessly.
Will briefly explain this, since the patterning (either deliberate or randomly) of the pulsations of signals in the environment can me much more damaging than just the frequency etc. alone.
Sadly, this knowledge was deliberately torn out of physics in 1934 and suppressed ruthlessly.
Circa 1930 Dirac realized that his theory's Dirac sea vacuum tickling induces Dirac Sea holes in the tickled vacuum region of a physical thing and therefore adds negative energy to the boiling virtual state set of interactions in that "tickled" region, and thus to the boiling set of interactions (the precursor) that continually creates and sustains that "thing". This negative energy that is "added" by the tickling can be specifically patterned by appropriately patterning the "tickling", to directly alter and change any physical thing whatsoever.
Note that any physical "thing" or process is actually continuously being created by the appropriate fiercely interacting virtual state interactions that add together and combine to breach the quantum level, thus creating the electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms, and molecules etc. of that physical thing or process. That "continuous, ongoing creation process" of any thing or process is what we are calling the "precursor" for the thing or the process. In that tickled region, the tickling and its patterning thus affects and changes the ongoing creative process (precursor) that is creating any physical matter or physical process ongoing therein.
So Dirac realized that, by deliberately adding negative energy in a specific pattern to the vacuum in which the process or "thing" is resident, this Dirac Sea vacuum tickling pattern could and would directly engineer and alter the continuously-created thing or process as one wishes, easily and quickly and very cheaply, once one works out the specific "tickle pattern" of tiny pulses that does what to what.
So Dirac would have given us a great leap forward in physics of at least 1,000 years into the future, to the very end of physics, whereby we gain the ability to directly and deliberately engineer physical reality itself, easily and simply once the necessary tickling research is done and catalogs of "tickle patterns and their results" are available.
Dirac and Schrodinger were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in 1933, because their epochal work made possible all of modern quantum physics. Obviously if Dirac had been left alone, then in a few years (two or three) our physicists would have gained the ultimate ability to easily and directly engineer physical reality as one wishes. This would mean (1) easily and simply curing any and all diseases (the astounding Kanzius cancer cure actually uses it, though the actual process is still unknown to present scientists), (2) stopping "death from ageing (a tiny little jellyfish circa 1990 in the Caribbean gained additional control of the spikings of its nerve dendrite endings, and thus became immortal with respect to death by aging, and has now spread through all the oceans of the earth), (3) control and changing of matter (the simple "unhappening" of the OH bond in water breaks it easily and cheaply into H2 and O2 gasses, so that one can burn it in the internal combustion engines of cars, trucks, trains, ships, etc. and suddenly escape our dependence on oil -- and the Kanzius watergas process uses this process, unknown to the scientists testing it), etc.
With the ability to easily and directly engineer physical reality, suddenly one readily accomplishes "gigantic miracles" completely inexplicable by today's standards!
Obviously, such a development would mean the end of the control groups, because they would lose all control!
To prevent this happening, the Control Groups ruthlessly tore negative energy right out of Dirac's theory in 1934 (only one year after the award of the Nobel Prize jointly to Dirac and Schrodinger), and they changed the textbooks arbitrarily and deliberately to eliminate that negative energy in Dirac's theory. It was also made apparent to Dirac that if he opened his mouth a little too much, he would be immediately killed.
So Dirac became the "quietest, most taciturn" physicist of all time.
Anyway, by the grace of God I restumbled across the mechanism whereby the patterned "tickling of the Dirac Sea" does this direct alteration of a physical thing or process.
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