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Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Free Energy - Nuclear Engineer M.T. Keshe @ ElektorLive!

Sunday, January 15, 2012


picture from newenergytimes
NASA has produced and featured a video presenting LENR as a technology. The video features Dr. Joseph Zawodny, Senior Research Scientist at NASA Langley Research Center. The video highlights the potential of having a LENR nuclear power generation device in your home to provide all the power needs of your home as the “easiest” implementation, even though it could potentially be used even for transportation and infrastructure. The technology is “clean” producing no ionizing radiation or waste.
NASA is all in and claiming to “be working on another way of producing energy with efficient nuclear power.”  NASA as an organization apparently suddenly wants to be seen as in the forefront of this new thing they see coming.  Pretty cool actually.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

One step closer to controlling nuclear fusion

Image via Sandia National Laboratories
Using a heating system, physicists have succeeded for the first time in preventing the development of instabilities in an efficient alternative way relevant to a future nuclear fusion reactor. It’s an important step forward in the effort to build the future ITER reactor.

Scientists have achieved a milestone: they have managed to stop the growth of instabilities inside a nuclear fusion reactor. How? Here’s a look at this energy source, which despite being challenging to control, is nevertheless extremely promising.

Friday, January 6, 2012

The Torian Project Overunity Magnet Motor

An inventor from Argentina has posted a video showing a prototype motor that is claimed to produce more power than it consumes. A video he has posted demonstrates the device in action, and seems to show there are no obvious hidden power sources.

Many inventors have built various types of magnet motors over the years. Some have been purely permanent magnet systems, and others have incorporated both permanent magnets and electromagnets. The fascination with these motors seems to be their potential to produce "free energy" from magnetic fields. When you see a magnet on a refrigerator door holding quite a bit of weight, even though no "work" is being done (the definition of "work" requires movement), a lot of force is represented. What if you could harness that force somehow into a rotational system?

Now, another magnet motor claim has came on the scene. Another inventor from Argentina has posted a video of a magnet motor that he claims produces more power than it consumes. This is different from Jose Zapata's all-magnet motor, also from Argentina.

Koude fusie in 2012

Koude fusie verwijst naar de hypothese dat kernfusie in bepaalde omstandigheden kan plaatsvinden bij kamertemperatuur.
Dit type kernfusie werd gebruikt om in 1989 de rapporten van elektrochemici Martin Fleischmann en Stanley Pons uit te leggen.
Zij produceerden overtollige warmte die alleen met behulp van een nucleair proces kon worden verklaard. Bij het kleinschalige experiment van beide wetenschappers werd elektrolyse toegepast in zwaar water op het oppervlak van een palladiumelektrode. Veel verschillende media deden verslag van de resultaten en mensen waren hoopvol dat snel een goedkope energiebron voorhanden was.
Diverse wetenschappers probeerden het experiment te herhalen met de weinige details die beschikbaar waren. De hoop verdween als sneeuw voor de zon nadat een groot aantal experimenten mislukte en de experimenten die wel slaagden niet werden gepubliceerd.